…Join the Movement, Impact Nations!

Empowering Kingdom-Driven Immigrants For Global Impact Christ's Kingdom Kingdom Advancement

Our mission is to empower immigrants as they settle into their new homes, equipping them socially, spiritually, and culturally. By fostering a vibrant community of like-minded individuals, we create a space for personal growth and the discovery of divine purpose.

Empowering Kingdom-Driven Immigrants For Global Impact Christ's Kingdom Kingdom 

Our mission is to empower immigrants as they settle into their new homes, equipping them socially, spiritually, and culturally. By fostering a vibrant community of like-minded individuals, we create a space for personal growth and the discovery of divine purpose.

We are on a mission to grow a community of kingdom driven individuals and families by reaching out to immigrants in order to equip them socially, spiritually and culturally as they settle into their host country so they can be mindful of Christ’s kingdom agenda

Empowering Immigrants,
Advancing God's Kingdom

KingdomHub Global is a global, non-denominational Christian outreach dedicated to empowering immigrants as disciples of Christ for kingdom advancement. We firmly believe that the high rate of migration globally is in alignment with God’s Kingdom agenda for this season. Inspired by the anchor scripture found in Matthew 22:8, where the King reached out to those at the borders to be His honored guests, we recognize the divine invitation extended to immigrants crossing nation borders, provinces, and cities.

Our Transformative Kingdom-Impact Programs

At KingdomHub Global, we are committed to empowering immigrants on their journey of settling into their new homes, embracing their divine purpose, and impacting their host nations for the advancement of God’s Kingdom.


Join us every Saturday morning at 6 am - 6:30 am as we gather to position ourselves to occupy the land God has brought us into. Through inspiring teachings and fervent prayer, we seek to empower immigrants to claim their territories for God's glory.


A Kingdom Immigrant Summit: This annual summit brings together Kingdom-minded immigrants for a transformative experience. Through insightful workshops, inspirational talks, and meaningful connections, attendees expand their vision and gain practical tools to impact their host nations.

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” – Matthew 28:19-20


Want To Donate?

If you would like to donate, please send an interac transfer to kingdomhubglobal@gmail.com